Driving Inovation

Official Opening of New Building: A Milestone for Future Growth

September 18, 2024

On September 16th, 2024, numerous guests witnessed a significant moment in the history of the PI site in the Breisgau Business Park in Eschbach, Germany: the grand opening of the new building. PI has added 6,500 square meters of floor space, doubling the size of its operations—an impressive move that will provide the company with many new opportunities for growth and innovation. But there is more to it than that. With a total investment of over twenty million euros, we are also investing in new, state-of-the-art workstations. 

In his speech, Markus Spanner, CEO of the PI Group, emphasized the vital role that PI plays for its customers: “We are a classic enabler. It is not possible without us.” This motto applies not only to the competence center for linear axes, rotary tables, and system solutions, but also to all the technologies that PI develops and perfects.

The inauguration of the new PI building in the Breisgau Business Park is an important milestone for the future growth of the PI Group. It is also a major step in delivering on our key promise to our customers to support also their growth in the best possible way.

Markus Spanner, CEO of the PI Group

Markus Riesterer, Association Director and General Manager Breisgau Business Park, described the establishment and expansion of PI in the business park as a stroke of luck: “PI is one of the most important companies for us here in the business park and therefore of enormous importance for the entire region.” 

Dr. Axel Widenhorn, SVP Operations and Managing Director PI miCos, described the position of PI and the prospects for the site in Eschbach in southwestern Germany in clear terms: “Ninety percent of the world's technology leaders rely on us and our products. We serve the companies that are driving future megatrends. And in doing so, we are helping to shape the future. A big thank-you goes to our employees, without whom this new building could not have been completed in this time.”  

Rudolf Harsch, Managing Partner of Harsch Bau, was extremely grateful for the long and trusting relationship with PI and for being able to contribute to the company's history: “Over thirty years of working together has resulted in a relationship that is second to none. We are proud to have PI as one of our customers.” Following his welcome speech, Rudolf Harsch and Markus Öchsle, Authorized Signatory of Harsch Bau, presented Markus Spanner and Axel Widenhorn with a symbolic key. 

Contact persons: 

Markus Spanner CEO of the PI Group
Dr. Axel Widenhorn SVP Operations and Managing Director PI miCos

Written by Martina Brkic on September 18, 2024