PI World

Semicon Taiwan 2024

Semicon Taiwan 2024

September 27, 2024

PI’s booth at the Semicon Taiwan 2024 featured a demonstrator of a new high-precision, dynamic piezo wafer stage for inspection and metrology.

Messestand Lena Vorsatz
PI Karlsruhe

10th KIT Championship

July 16, 2024
Karlsruhe, Germany

Last Saturday, PI presented itself as a partner company at the 10th KIT Championships held at the University of Karlsruhe in the southwest of Germany.

Karrieretag Familienunternehmen Team
PI Karlsruhe

32th Career Day for Family Businesses

July 15, 2024
Karlsruhe, Germany

At the beginning of July, PI presented itself at the 32th Career Day for Family Businesses which this year took place in Karlsruhe, Germany.

PI Korea Workshop
PI Korea

PI Korea Holds Successful Workshop in Wonju

July 2, 2024
Wonju, Korea

In June, PI Korea successfully held a workshop for all employees in Wonju, Gangwon-do.

X-Day Firmenkontaktmesse

PI Presents Itself at the X-Day Company Contact Fair

June 11, 2024
Pforzheim, Germany

At the end of May, PI presented itself for the first time at the 40th X-Day Company Contact Fair at the Pforzheim University.

KIT Messe
PI KIT-Karrieremesse

PI Presents Itself at the KIT Career Fair

June 11, 2024
Karlsruhe, Germany

In May, PI presented itself at the KIT Career Fair, which took place as part of a job open air festival on the campus of the Karlsruhe University.


PI US National Sales Meeting Features Panel Sessions on Photonics and Satellites

June 3, 2024
Nashville, USA

Das regionale Sales Meeting von PI USA, das Anfang Mai in dem für seine Musikszene bekannten Nashville im US-Bundesstaat Tennessee stattfand, wurde von über 50 Teilnehmenden besucht.

emea onboarding lh
PI Ceramic

Successful EMEA Sales Training 2024 at PI Ceramic

May 13, 2024
Lederhose, Germany

In April, colleagues from the PI subsidiaries UK, IT, F, and Benelux, as well as distributors from Israel, Scandinavia, the Czech Republic, and the Baltic States visited PI Ceramic in Lederhose, Germany.

PIC 2024
Photonic Integrated Circuits 2024

PI at PIC conference

May 8, 2024

Seit neun Jahren treffen sich führende Vertreter der Siliziumphotonikindustrie jedes Frühjahr in Brüssel zur Photonic Integrated Circuits-Konferenz.

USA Reise
Company visit

Visit to PI USA

April 26, 2024

On April 8, 2024, Patrick Pertsch and Jörg Gebhardt visited our US production site in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, together with our US sales colleague Dan Schultz as part of their customer visit to North America.

World Quantum Day

04/15/2024 is World Quantum Day

April 15, 2024

Am heutigen Weltquantentag möchten wir aufzeigen, wie Meilensteine in der Photonik den Weg für die moderne Quantentechnologie ebnen: Photonen können vor allem die Grundlage für bestimmte Arten von Qubits bilden.

Schwarzes Loch

Five-year anniversary: first image of the black hole

April 10, 2024

Vor genau fünf Jahre, am 10. April 2019, erstellte das Event Horizon Teleskope (EHT) erstmals eine Aufnahme eines Schwarzen Lochs – fünfundfünfzig Millionen Lichtjahre entfernt im Zentrum der Galaxy M87.

Jobmesse Eisenberg
PI Ceramic

PIC Participates in Job Fair

March 15, 2024
Eisenberg, Germany

At the beginning of March 2024, PI Ceramic took part in the 16th job fair in Eisenberg, Germany, where a wide range of different professions and training opportunities at companies as well as schools and other exciting institutions were presented.

Pi-Day 2024

03/14/2024 is π-Day

March 14, 2024

On March 14 is π-Day – in the short American date format 3/14 – because the first three numbers of π are 3, 1, and 4.

MHFS 2024
MFHS Conference 2024

PIC Participates in MFHS Conference 2024

March 12, 2024
Munich, Germany

In February 2024, PI Ceramic took part in the “Microfluidic Handling Systems” (MFHS) conference in Munich presenting various piezo products.

AzuPiDay 2024 Karlsruhe, Deutschland
AzuPiDay 2024

PI Karlsruhe invites to AzuPiDay

March 7, 2024
Karlsruhe, Germany

In February, the AzuPiDay 2024 took place at PI in Karlsruhe, Germany, and offered twenty-five interested visitors exciting insights into the company.

Im November präsentierte PI Ceramic auf der „COMPAMED“ in Düsseldorf am IVAM-Gemeinschaftsstand innovative Piezokomponenten und -aktoren für die Medizintechnik.


February 28, 2024
Dusseldorf, Germany

At the COMPAMED trade fair in Düsseldorf, Germany, in November 2023, PI Ceramic presented innovative piezo components and actuators for medical technology at the IVAM joint stand. With twenty-six relevant business leads, which can also be attributed to the dedicated support of the sales team, our appearance at the trade fair was a great success.

PI Ceramic

EU Research Project SCUALE on Lead-Free Piezoelectric Materials

January 30, 2024
Nice, France

PI Ceramic has taken over the leadership of one out of four work packages within the EU project SCUALE.

PI Karlsruhe

Strong Together: Flexible Teamwork across Sites

January 26, 2024
Karlsruhe, Germany

January saw the start of a cooperative collaboration between the various PI sites.

Bonding Firmenkontaktmesse
bonding Karlsruhe

PI Presented Itself at the Bonding Company Contact Fair

January 18, 2024
Karlsruhe, Germany

In January, PI presented itself at the 36th bonding company contact fair informed about various career opportunities.