IT System Architecture

New Cloud-Based ERP System Starts at Beginning of 2023

June 9, 2022
© PI

Dear Colleagues,

The IT division has some good news: The ERP project has been set up, and we will be switching to the cloud version of our previous supplier 'Infor'. Its high-performance solution fulfills all of our defined expectations.

At this point, it is important to mention that we host our cloud solution from AWS in a server environment with the highest performance, and maximum-security standards. During the course of project planning, together we have defined our twelve most important core processes in cross-locational project groups, and with the people responsible for the processes. These will now be adapted to suit the PI process structure, whilst taking the requirements of all of the locations into consideration.

Currently, we are planning the total process for the project. Communication and integrating the organization has the highest priority. The start of implementation is planned for the beginning of 2023.

Best regards
Stefan Schreiber
Global Head of Business Architecture

Written by Laura Früh on June 9, 2022