BIG PICTURE 2020: New Employee Magazine Available Mid-November 2021

October 29, 2021
© PI

Dear Colleagues,

I am happy to announce BIG PICTURE to you, our new employee magazine! In the past few months, our editorial team worked intensively on the conception of the topics. Printing has been ordered, the employee magazine for the year 2020 is expected to be available in Karlsruhe in mid-November 2021 and shortly after that it will be available at locations around the world.

This new format has been created as a retrospect for the year 2020. You are certainly wondering why we are providing you with a retrospect of the year 2020 in November 2021. You have all been involved in this turbulent financial year, having to cope with the extraordinarily high order situation as well as the implementation of the ENGAGE strategy! Our editorial team as well as everyone else involved have mastered this excellent work!

2020 was a special, strongly moving year for both PI and us, the Management; it was characterized by fundamental directional decisions. This is why, publishing this employee magazine is so much closer to my heart. This retrospect is also valuable and helpful in classifying the developments taking place in this current year, 2021.

As a little teaser, you can see the title page of BIG PICTURE 2020 down below. This employee magazine does not only have a new name but it also shows a new design and layout. A lot of exciting and global topics await you! Be ready for a surprise and I hope you enjoy reading it!

Best regards

Markus Spanner

Chief Executive Officer

Written by Laura Früh on October 29, 2021