C-Level Digital Townhall Meeting

C-Level Summarizes 2021 and Wishes Happy Holidays

December 08, 2021
© PI

Dear Colleagues, 

to give you our view of this eventful year 2021, which was both challenging and very successful for PI, we recorded a Digital Townhall Meeting on December 8, 2021 for you.

Due to the COVID-19 situation, the meeting had to take place digitally.

We talked about the following topics:

  1. ENGAGE Recap - A Management Perspective on Our Ongoing Transformation
  2. 2021 Key Figures as of 01.12.2021 
  3. Status Update on PI Switzerland AG
  4. Outlook 2022

Here you can to watch the video (Password: PI2021). Enjoy watching it!

Digital Townhall Meeting on December 8, 2021

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© PI


File Name: 2021_12_08_digital_townhall_meeting_en.pdf
File Size: 3.68 MB
© PI

Thank you for your great contribution and dedication in this year!

We wish you and your families wonderful holidays!

We are looking forward to see you again in 2022! Stay healthy!


Your C-Level

Markus Spanner Stephane Bussa Dr. Markus Czanta Florian Geistdörfer
Chief Executive Officer Chief Sales Officer Chief Technology Officer Chief Operating Officer / Managing Director PI Switzerland AG
Written by Laura Früh on December 08, 2021