CEO and CSO in Conversation with Editors-In-Chief of Trade Journals ‘Inspect’ and ‘Photonics Views'

May 11, 2022
© PI

Dear Colleagues,

At the 'Laser World of Photonics' laser trade show in Munich at the end of April, PI’s CSO Stephane Bussa and myself answered questions from the editors-in-chief of the trade journals 'Inspect' (David Löh, on the left in the photo) and 'Photonics Views' (Dr. Oliver Dreissigacker, 2nd from left) from the Wiley publishing house.

The focus was on our 'Maximum On-Time Delivery' initiative, and the question of the measures PI plans to take to improve our ability to delivery and expand capacities. 

Best regards
Markus Spanner
Chief Executive Officer

Written by Laura Früh on May 11, 2022