Value Stream Industrial & Engineered Systems

Continuous Expansion of the Value Stream Industrial & Engineered Systems to a Competency Center for System Solutions

September 15, 2022

In the past months, we also turned our attention to the expansion of the Value Stream Industrial & Engineered Systems (IES) to a competency center for system solutions. Production and the further development of the fiber alignment systems have been successfully relocated from the Value Stream Hexapods in Karlsruhe to the Value Stream IES in Eschbach. Since July, the first fiber alignment systems have been manufactured in the production facilities of the Value Stream IES at PI in Eschbach. Furthermore, we have successfully assembled the prototype of a system for the laser engraving of various materials which increases PI's competency portfolio in the systems division.

If you have any questions about the fiber alignment systems, please contact Chris Fink, System Engineering, or Dr. Svetlana Khasminskaya, Application Engineering.

If you have any questions about laser engraving, please contact Maximilian Mauthe, Manager Systems Applications.

Contact person: Dr. Markus Blust, Head of Value Stream Industrial & Engineered Systems - DPG

Written by Laura Früh on September 15, 2022