COO Insights

COO Team Visiting PI US

July 21, 2022
Florian Geistdörfer, Savanna Dion, Brad Engel, Sean Reilly, Oliver Werner (front), Stefan Schreiber, Annegret Lisker (front), Waldemar Ungefug, Dr. Axel Widenhorn, Matt Reck, Elicia Geetings (from left)

Dear colleagues,

Last week the COO Team Annegret Lisker, Werner Bitterwolf, Stefan Schreiber, Waldemar Ungefug, Oliver Werner, Dr. Axel Widenhorn and I followed an invitation by David Rego to visit PI US for a three day visit on the United States East Coast.

The objective was to gain a deeper insight into the US operations; align on US requirements for global initiatives such as the ERP project, the new cost and IC model, or the Oracle relaunch; and to generally spend some quality time face-to-face together.

After great meetings in Auburn, the colleagues kindly took the time for some indepth facility tours in Hopkinton and Nashua. As always, we were deeply impressed with the quality of the US operations and the infectious entrepreneurship and passion of the teams in all sites.

We left the US with great impressions and plenty of ideas for even more collaboration and synergies. It is invaluable to have this global foot print and the cross-learning it can bring.

Thank you to David Rego and all PI US colleagues for being great hosts and for the open exchange.

Best regards
Florian Geistdörfer
Group Chief Operating Officer (COO) & Managing Director Switzerland

Written by Laura Früh on July 21, 2022