#being PI

Corporate Values of the PI Group

November 24, 2022

Dear colleagues,

As announced in the October CEO townhall meeting, I am pleased to present you with our newly defined corporate values of the PI Group.

It is important to me to define our normative framework, our PI Group's corporate values, as behavioral guidelines for us as an organization. Our corporate values, named as ‘#being PI’, guide the way we do business. They sum up what PI stands for, influence the organizational culture and drive how and why we operate. Our corporate values are shaped from the shareholder families and help us as an organization to evolve with focusing on what is important.

Please familiarize yourself and your teams with the corporate values. Therefore, we provide you with the following video and presentation:

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On our pinboard page 'Corporate Values' you will also find all information. 

I ask you personally to engage with this normative framework and actively apply the corporate values in your daily work.

Please do not hesitate to contact me or my executive personnel if you should have any questions.

Thank you in advance for your support.

On behalf of the PI Executive Board

Best regards
Markus Spanner
Chief Executive Officer

Written by Laura Früh on November 24, 2022