PI Work & Charge

E-Chargers Available Now: For Private Hybrid or Fully Electric Vehicles in Lederhose, Eschbach, and Karlsruhe

October 14, 2022
Florian Geistdörfer, Markus Spanner, Oliver Werner, Kathrin Blank, and Dominique Wiesner at the inauguration of the e-chargers in Karlsruhe (from left)
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PI shareholder Harald Lossau (right) uses the e-charger with Markus Spanner for the first time during the shareholders' meeting in Karlsruhe

The mobility transition in Germany increasingly demands the private purchase of electric vehicles. A prerequisite for purchasing an electric vehicle is a corresponding charging infrastructure at the workplace and/or at home.The mobility transition in Germany increasingly demands the private purchase of electric vehicles. A prerequisite for purchasing an electric vehicle is a corresponding charging infrastructure at the workplace and/or at home.

The Executive Board of PI supports this development and has therefore decided to offer their employees, as of now, the possibility to charge their hybrid or electric vehicle during their working hours at the locations Lederhose, Eschbach, and Karlsruhe.

The e-chargers have been installed and can be used as of:

•    Eschbach: October 13, 2022
•    Karlsruhe: October 13, 2022
•    Lederhose: November 1, 2022

You can find further information on charging the electric vehicles as well as paying for this service in this document:

File Name: 22_10_11_pi_work_charge.pdf
File Size: 532.87 KB

Our partner, elios GmbH, is happy to help with any questions relating to charging or paying.

Contact persons:

  • Oliver Werner, Director Supply Chain Management – Global 
  • Kathrin Blank, SCM Project Management and Assistant to Global SCM, Car Pool Management
Written by Laura Früh on October 14, 2022