Executive Board News

Enjoy Your Summer Holidays

August 26, 2022
Florian Geistdörfer, Dr. Markus Czanta, Markus Spanner, Stephane Bussa (from left)

Dear colleagues,

Some of the members of the Executive Board and a lot of our employees at the German PI sites will be off on their summer holidays over the next two weeks.

We wish all of our employees a well-deserved and relaxing holiday, have a good rest, and recharge your batteries together with your families and friends.

We would like to thank all of the other employees who will be keeping things running at the company during this time.

We will make use of the "quieter phase" during the next two weeks and will not publish any content on our global news platform PICO. We can already tell you now that once employees start returning to work from September 12, there will be lots of interesting PICO news waiting for you.

We look forward to seeing you again from September 12, well rested and energized.

Best regards
Your Executive Board

Written by Laura Früh on August 26, 2022