
Five-year anniversary: first image of the black hole

April 10, 2024

On April 10, 2019, exactly five years ago, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) captured the first image of a black hole – fify-five million light-years away at the center of the M87 galaxyDue to the incredibly strong gravitational pull, not even light can escape from black holes. However, the researchers involved managed to outsmart physics to a certain extent and created an image of a black hole's shadow.  And just recently, scientists from the EHT collaboration also succeeded in using polarized light to reveal magnetic fields surrounding black holes. 

Happy to see what EHT is capable of –  knowing that ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array) telescopes, whose developers rely on PI’s hexapod positioning systems, are an integral part of the EHT system.

Read this article on PI’s Website to learn more about ALMA and check out our LinkedIn post!

Written by Saskia Stobbe on April 10, 2024