Global Research & Platforms Tech Days

Global Research & Platforms Holds Second Tech Day

April 03, 2023

At the end of February 2023, there was a second round of Global Research & Platforms (GRP) Tech Days. On the GRP Tech Day, new technological developments, demonstrators, and functional samples developed in the GRP were presented to and discussed with Segment and Product Marketing, and with Technical Product Management.

This enabled information to be exchanged at an early stage in a relaxed atmosphere using exhibits, similar to an internal trade fair. At the same time, there were discussions about existing and up-coming technological developments in the GRP, as well as applications, and the ability to deploy in PI's products. Furthermore, it was possible to discuss or trigger further developments, or necessary investigations, in a targeted way with regard to market-related functions. That is why, in the future, we are planning to extend the group of participants to include Sales (TSE/TSS).

Currently, we are developing the format of the GRP Tech Days. Both the location of the event and the circle of participants are being modified continuously. In the process, the focus is on the dialog and on getting to know the technologies better at an early stage.

The previous GRP Tech Days took place in the form of on-site events with just a few topics in order to consider and discuss them thoroughly. The following lists a selection of the technological developments previously presented:

  • Parallel Kinematic Tip-Tilt Mirror with Huge Range of Motion > Dr. Stefan Schulz, Engineer Development Engineering
  • Integrated mirror mount > Mathias Winter, Director Technology Center - Piezo Drives & Systems - Global
  • Multilayer US Motors > Dr. Alexej Wischnewski, Senior Expert Development Engineering
  • PI-Mag Turtle > Technology Development Magnetic Drives & Systems
  • Ultra-Flat, High-Speed Planar Stage > Dr. Stefan Schulz, Engineer Development Engineering
  • Two-Stator Spindle Drive > Dr. Koc Burhanettin, Senior Expert Development Engineering
  • 'SweetSpot'-Sensor > Jonas Schansker, Engineer Development Engineering
  • Compact AirBearing Hexapod > Jens Matitschka, Engineer Development Engineering
  • EtherCAT Proxy > Tomas Kropaci, Engineer Development Engineering

The GRP Tech Day takes place regularly every three months and, in the future, will be organized by Stefan Schulz. Please submit your suggestions for topics for the next event to Stefan Schulz.

Contact persons:

  • Dr. Steffen Schreiber, Director Advance Development - Global 
  • Dr. Stefan Schulz, Engineer Development Engineering
Written by Laura Früh on April 03, 2023