CSO Insights

Global Sales & Marketing Directors Met Up in UK for Off-Site Workshop

October 20, 2022
Dominique Wiesner, Walter Silvesky, Laurent Melin, Warren Harvard, Dirk Rössger, Richard Moss, Stephane Bussa, Raymond Quek, Dr. Markus Czanta, Florian Geistdörfer, Dr. Thomas Bocher, James Berge, Markus Greis (from left)

The annual Off-Site meeting of the Sales & Marketing Directors was held in early October in Milton Keynes, UK.

Over the course of two days, we worked on a number of topics in anticipation of the end of the year but also in preparation for 2023 which is shaping up to be another very exciting year.

Our agenda included diverse and exciting topics as Managing Managers, Global Pricing, the 2022 and 2023 sales forecasts of our Regional Sales Directors, new products and solutions proposed by our Product and Segment Marketing, Sales Effectiveness, Corporate Branding and many other equally thrilling subjects.

Our Chief Operating Officer Florian Geistdörfer and Chief Technology Officer Dr. Markus Czanta joined me to kick off our meeting.

Dr. Markus Czanta took this opportunity to present an update on our technology roadmap and Florian Geistdörfer and I detailed our new pricing model to be implemented early next year. I would particularly like to thank them both for their presence and the time they agreed to devote to our event.

The meeting took place in a warm and creative atmosphere and it was fantastic to be able to meet up again in person after more than two disrupted years!

Markus Greis, Dominique Wiesner, Walter Silvesky, Richard Moss, Stephane Bussa, Laurent Melin, Dirk Rössger, Dr. Thomas Bocher, Raymond Quek, James Berge (from left)

We had also the opportunity to live the real PI DRIVE experience during a very fun karting race party.

I would like to thank our whole team for its commitment and contribution during these days. We are ready to deliver at the highest level and already in pole position to turn our future challenges into real successes!

Contact person: Stephane Bussa, Chief Sales Officer

Written by Laura Früh on October 20, 2022