Great Response to Information Evening about Apprenticeships at PI

March 21, 2023

On AZUPIDAY, more than 60 interested students and parents took advantage of the offer to find out first-hand about training opportunities, contents, and future development prospects at PI. From summer 2023 onwards, PI will again be offering 18 apprenticeships in many future-proof professions, from mechatronics to commercial professions and dual study programs. The information evening was supported by Marcel Franke, soccer player of the Karlsruher SC, a soccer club of the 2nd soccer division in Germany.

During the AZUPIDAY event, the young people and their parents were given first-hand information on professional training and subsequent development opportunities at the rapidly growing high technology company.

Technical interest and a basic understanding of mathematics are prerequisites for professional training as a mechatronics technician. Graduates of this training program are amongst the most sought-after specialists in Karlsruhe and throughout Germany. Additionally, PI trains young people to become industrial clerks. For this position, it is important to be able to work as part of a team and to have an interest in economics.

Due to COVID-19 and the lack of contact with the schools, a great deal of new job descriptions, and ever-increasing digitalization, parents are often overwhelmed by the entry requirements and job contents, as well as the future and career prospects of skilled occupations. Therefore, we also invited parents to our AZUPIDAY event.

Josef Nagel, Manager Apprenticeship Industrial – Karlsruhe

Particularly following the COVID-19 pandemic, many young people find it difficult to decide on their future profession. Obviously, there is a very great demand for well-founded information. At PI, apprentices get to know different areas of the company and participate in projects from an early stage.

Sarah Hurst, HR – Administration

PI is a cooperation partner of the initiative KSC TUT GUT (KSC DOES WELL), which supports regional measures regarding the topics of education, environment, and diversity.

Contact persons:

PI Instructor Team: Josef Nagel, Ingo Rastetter, Alexander Schroth, Darius Zolk und Sarah Hurst

Written by Laura Früh on March 21, 2023