Global Research & Platforms Workshop

GRP Departmental Heads Update Technology Roadmaps with Focus on New Research Topics

August 04, 2022
Dr. Markus Czanta, Dr. Christian Rudolf, Mathias Winter, Dr. Axel Grabowski, Dr. Christian Enkrich, Dr. Stefan Schulz (from left)

Dear colleagues,

In preparation for the budget planning for 2023, at the end of July, we held a workshop together with the departmental heads of the Global Research & Platforms division. The aim of the workshop was to update our technology roadmaps and hence prioritize new upcoming topics.

We placed a particular focus on new research topics, for example, smart materials or basic principles for the Application Divisions Quantum Technology and Space. For this, we also considered the findings and the input from the three Regional Sales Conferences APAC, Europe and AMER.

Based on these findings, we now plan to include the ideas from Segment and Product Marketing, work out more details regarding the resource requirements in question and prioritize supplemental proposals for the technology roadmaps in preparation for October’s budget round.

The workshop was a success for us, with some important results, despite the large variety of topics which will be used as a basis for further steps.

Thank you to my team for the open, constructive, and excellent collaboration!

Best regards
Dr. Markus Czanta
Chief Technology Officer

Written by Laura Früh on August 04, 2022