'Maximum on-time Delivery': CEO Video Message

Introducing 'Maximum On-Time Delivery' Initiative for Customers and Market

April 7, 2022
© PI

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to inform you with this video message about an important initiative for our customers and the market.

Currently we can all see that the backlog in orders is putting massive pressure on the organization. The global supply chain problems and enormously increased requirements in our segments are not only affecting us all at PI, but rather are illustrating a problem in our whole industry.

We would like to proactively deal with this topic on the market and show how we deal with it at PI. To show clearly that we as a company are dealing with this challenge in a structured way, and are following a long-term, sustainable plan, we have developed

the initiative 'Maximum On-Time Delivery'

with which we are informing you, our employees, as well as our customers and the market about our defined measures. We as a company are preparing ourselves to calm down the escalating situation in many customer relationships, and at the same time, creating a structured framework to grow sustainably.

Initiative 'Maximum on-time Delivery' for Our Customers and the Market (Password: PI2022)

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Please do not hesitate to contact me or my executive personnel if you should have any questions.

Thank you in advance for your support.


Markus Spanner

Chief Executive Officer 

Written by Laura Früh on April 7, 2022