IT System Architecture

IT Set Up Is Becoming Cloud-based, Networked and Global

September 30, 2021
© PI

Dear Colleagues,

PI has grown a lot in recent years and new locations and business fields have been added to it, which has brought about additional interfaces and an increased complexity. Cloud-based solutions such as MS Teams, OneDrive, or Microsoft Azure are a necessary and progressive approach for the global companies of today. Essential advantages are a significantly higher flexibility, e.g., in regard to scalability or storage options, numerous possibilities for more growth and efficiency as well as a strategic benefit.

As announced before, the Management sees great potential and tremendous facilitations for global collaboration thanks to the common use of Office 365 and the use of cloud-based solutions.

Thanks to the common use of Office 365, collaboration will be intensified significantly and I would like to strongly encourage you: Increasingly use MS Teams as a collaboration tool! The program with which activities, chats, data storage, and collaboration (among others) are possible, offers technical functionalities that go far beyond the collaboration tools used up until now, e.g. Outlook. With MS Teams, we see great opportunities in collaboration for the PI Group globally and let me tell you: In the long term, we will all be working (primarily) with MS Team as a collaboration tool!

I would like to ask you to use the training courses offered by the IT for Office 365 and participate in the sessions offered!

Best regards

Markus Spanner

Chief Executive Officer

Written by Laura Früh on September 30, 2021