Kick-Off Meeting with the VDMA at PI in Karlsruhe

April 14, 2023

In March 2023, a delegation from the Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. (VDMA) visited PI in Karlsruhe in order to kick off cooperation with the company.

PI joined Baden-Wuerttemberg’s regional association of the VDMA at the beginning of the year. With more than 3,500 members, the VDMA is the largest network association and an important mouthpiece of mechanical engineering in Germany and Europe. The association represents mutual economic, technical, and scientific interests.

As a member, PI has access to extensive market information and can use the VDMA's international network. PI belongs to the professional association ‘Electronics, Micro, and New Energy Production Technologies.’ This association covers approximately 200 companies, with numerous current and potential customers amongst them.

The VDMA gives members the opportunity to participate in cross-company research initiatives, and uses trend scouting to support members in recognizing future technological developments early on. Furthermore, the association also offers multiple events where interesting contacts can be made.

Contact person: Andreas Schneider, Chief Communication Officer

Written by Laura Früh on April 14, 2023