KIT Business Club

KIT Business Club Welcomes PI as New Member

May 03, 2023
© Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

In April 2023, PI joined the KIT Business Club as a new member in the area of industrial plants.

The KIT Business Club is the enterprise network of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and encourages innovation-driven communication between the university and the member companies with the aim of intensifying collaboration.

Currently, the enterprise network has 29 members. Amongst these are technology companies from the IT, medical technology, and electronics sectors, or from the engineering industry.

Innovation is part of PI's DNA and closer networking with the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology creates additional connections to science in order to push the boundaries of what is technically possible together.

Dr. Markus Czanta, Chief Technology Officer

We warmly welcome the PI Group and look forward to expanding existing contacts strategically and long term in order to add new questions, points of contact, and joint projects with a wide variety of KIT institutes.

Dr. Markus Bauer, Head of the KIT Business Club

Today, the close collaboration of industry and research is more important than ever. Since 2009, with the Business Club, the KIT has been offering a unique opportunity for companies to simplify access to the latest developments and exciting technologies of the KIT. In the process, the personal contact person at KIT is a key factor that optimally supports each member company individually in developing any potential and with regard to all of the questions about the KIT.

The PI Group will kick off with the upcoming onboarding session which will identify the initial topics and focal points of the intensive dialog between PI and KIT.

Contact person: Dr. Markus Czanta, Chief Technology Officer

Written by Laura Früh on May 03, 2023