CEO New Year Greetings 2022

Markus Spanner Kicks off 2022

January 17, 2022
© PI

Dear Colleagues, 

I hope you had a restful holiday period and have started off 2022 feeling well-rested, healthy and raring to go!

After a strong start to the year, we have now dynamically and energetically returned to day-to-day business. The initial figures for new orders are very promising and show that 2022 also has great potential! 

Strategically, we are on the right track! Let's take a focused approach to the year, and concentrate on tackling the large quantity of orders together, as well as assuming a healthy and sustainable position for the growth ahead. 

I speak about these topics in this video:

CEO New Year Greetings 2022 (Password: PI2022)

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Enjoy watching and have a successful start to 2022!

Link for the PI Call: It's Possible PI People Achievements


Markus Spanner

Chief Executive Officer

Written by Laura Früh on January 17, 2022