PI Voices

Markus Weinbrecht Gives Insights about the Shopfloor Management

October 13, 2021
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© PI

Dear Colleagues,

Since introducing the daily SFM [in short: Shopfloor Management]-meetings, we have seen significant improvements in our day-to-day work: Planning is more reliable than before, we can estimate the needed capacities much better, systematic errors and problems can be recognized much faster, and communication has been simplified significantly; thanks to the daily exchange of information, fewer E-Mails are being written and a better overview of open topics and defects with respective responsibilities can be shown.

In Karlsruhe, we are pioneers with SFM in the Value Streams Hexapods and Motorized Positioners & Direct Drives, which is very exciting and a completely new experience. This has become known in other areas as well, and we have been surprised by colleagues from Development or Quality Management attending the meetings. We have also been pleased about an unprompted visit by Markus Spanner and Dr. Axel Widenhorn. We want to invite interested colleagues to join us during our daily SFM meetings and are happy to have visitors!

With the restructuring into value streams and the adaptation of the processes, we can already see significant improvements within the teams: We feel that we are growing closer as a team and that certain barriers are being overcome, which certainly can also be attributed to the dissolution of shift work. Thanks to the SFM meetings, in particular, we have become aware of a higher level of satisfaction of our employees, who are involved an can react quicker.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Best regards

Markus Weinbrecht

Head of Production Management Direct Drives


Written by Laura Früh on October 13, 2021