Einkauf & Lieferanten

New PI Web Page “Becoming a Supplier”

May 03, 2024

The highest product quality and reliable delivery are key requirements for our suppliers. To ensure this in the long term, we are constantly optimizing our purchasing processes. These efforts have resulted in the recently launched “Becoming a Supplier” web page. 

In the past, suppliers were not able to inform themselves about PI's product groups or actively apply as potential suppliers.

The completely new structure of the web page gives both potential and long-term suppliers the opportunity to learn about PI and our products independently. The new web page also streamlines the application process for new suppliers. This simplified process speeds up the assessment of potential new suppliers and their addition to the supplier pool.

Visit the new PI web page “Becoming a Supplier”.

We wanted to make it easier for potential suppliers to find out what we buy, what our requirements are, what we offer, and how to apply.

Marvin Eichhorn

Contact persons: 

  • Marvin Eichhorn, Professional Process Management
  • Oliver Werner, Senior Vice President Supply Chain Management
Written by Saskia Stobbe on May 03, 2024