Global Sensor Development

No Positioning Without Sensor Technology – Launch of New Global Sensor Development Department

October 21, 2022
Michael Schröder, Dr. Axel Grabowski and Dr. David Schönfisch (from left)

Sensors are one of the most important components in PI’s products. It is only through sensor technology that optimal positioning is possible. At PI, our competency in sensor technology distinguishes us from many of our competitors. In a large number of our products, there are sensors from our strong sensor portfolio, and it is these sensors that enable the efficiency required of complete systems.

This was, for example, how PI won one of its large projects with a globally-leading electronics brand. In this case, we used our expertise to successfully develop alternative sensor approaches which resulted in a better overall product with an optimal price / performance ratio for the customer.

The compactness of hexapods such as the H-811 is another example, which was only possible through the appropriate sensor technology. This is also one of the reasons that many suppliers cannot manage to develop this compact class.

Furthermore, sensor technology plays a central role in our future competitiveness: new concepts such as our interferometry-based technologies facilitate an important application area previously not accessible to our customers. The Magnetic Levitation (Maglev) technology currently being developed is also a good example, and will open up new application technology territory in terms of precision and dynamic profiles.

Our competency in sensor technology is not only essential for our current market leadership but is also vital for the future of our products!

Due to the great importance of sensor technology, as of November 01, 2022, the current 'Development Group' group will be transferred to the "Global Sensor Technology Development" department. In future, Dr. Axel Grabowski will be in charge of management, and will report directly to our Chief Technology Officer Dr. Markus Czanta.

We wish the employees in this department success in their important new task!

Contact persons:

  • Dr. Markus Czanta, Chief Technology Officer
  • Dr. Axel Grabowski, Head of Development - Sensor
Written by Laura Früh on October 21, 2022