PIMikroMove Next Gen

On the Way to Market Launch

October 10, 2023
Test person Sophia Kugel (middle) during the "User Experience Validation" workshop with our partners from ergosign

The planned market launch of the new “PIMikroMove Next Gen” software is gaining momentum: At two internal meetings in September 2023, the new software was presented, and, at the same time, important feedback for the introductory phase was collected

As part of the SCAI project, the Global Platform Development Software team, together with the Product Marketing, has been working for more than a year to develop and launch the new PIMikroMove Next Gen software, the successor to the current PIMikroMove software.

The main aim of this new software is to replace PIMikroMove with a future-proof technology that will allow us to bring new features to market faster and simplify application development for our customers.

In addition, with the help of our external partners, we are developing a software that provides a modern user experience and a platform for connecting to systems that incorporate PI and ACS controllers. For this purpose, we are in exchange with ACS. This ensures optimal utilization of the essential features of our integrated systems. This is in no way about replacing the existing ACS software.

On the Way to the Next Version

The first version of the new software was initially released in May 2023 for IMAS system customers. It included functions especially for setting up and operating these systems.

For the release of the next PIMikroMove Next Gen version in early 2024, we are planning an “Early Access Phase”, during which we will make the software available to more customers via the website.

New Innovative Methods and Collegial Collaboration

At the start of September 2023, Dr. Raphael Grifone, Manager System Application, invited interested colleagues from the commissioning, service, development, and production divisions to a first PIMikroMove Next Gen training. The training focused on the operating concept of the functional tiles.

This was followed in mid-September 2023 by a “User Experience Validation” workshop, which we conducted - together with ergosign, our partner for design and user experience - with test subjects from a wide range of PI departments. Tasks were defined beforehand. They were based on activities in the day-to-day work of different areas at PI, such as service or firmware development.

When solving the tasks, the reactions, work steps, or tools used were observed and analyzed to improve the operating concept. This was the first time that PI had conducted such a workshop. The initial feedback from the subjects and testers was consistently positive and constructive. We are now eagerly awaiting the evaluation of this workshop. We would like to thank the participants for their willingness and support!

We are aware that many essential functions still need to be migrated first and that new innovative functions will have to be added over time. The feedback we received during both meetings confirms our further planning.

For PI employees, the new software is already available for download in the baramundi kiosk.

In addition, interested colleagues can join our beta distribution list to receive an updated version every two weeks - i.e., after each “sprint.” Please contact Dr. Markus Frietsch for this purpose.

In case of inquiries or comments, please contact the individuals listed below.

Your Software Product Management Team

  • Alexander Frings, Professional Product Marketing - Global
  • Dr. Markus Frietsch, Engineer Software Platform Management - Global
Screenshot of the workspace of the new PIMikroMove Next Gen software

Wir sind uns darüber bewusst, dass viele wichtige Funktionen zunächst noch migriert und neue innovative Funktionen mit der Zeit ergänzt werden müssen. Die Rückmeldungen, die uns während beider Termine erreicht haben, bestätigen unsere weitere Planung.

Für PI Mitarbeitende ist die neue Software bereits im baramundi-Kiosk zum Download verfügbar.

Darüber hinaus können sich interessierte Kolleginnen und Kollegen in unseren Beta-Verteiler aufnehmen lassen, um alle zwei Wochen – sprich nach jedem „Sprint“ – eine aktualisierte Version zu erhalten. Melden Sie sich hierzu bitte bei Dr. Markus Frietsch.

Bei Fragen oder Anmerkungen wenden Sie sich bitte an die unten genannten Ansprechpersonen.

Ihr Team für das Software-Produktmanagement

  • Alexander Frings, Professional Product Marketing - Global
  • Dr. Markus Frietsch, Engineer Software Platform Management - Global
Written by Laura Früh on October 10, 2023