SixSigma Green Belt

Participation in SixSigma Green Belt Training Series also Possible in 2022

August 01, 2022

Dear colleagues,

In the PICO article from the beginning of July we already reported about the SixSigma Green Belt Training, which ten employees successfully completed in 2020.

Following the positive feedback from the trainees and the continuing heightened interest from employees, this year there will be another training and certification series with twelve participants from the divisions PI Ceramic, PI DPG, and Global Research & Platforms.

We were able to get Hermann Weigel from Six Sigma Consulting as a coach, who has more than 20 years' experience in training and certification. At the end of July, the group started preparing the training course and defining the training projects.

For the SixSigma Green Belt participants to get the best possible support from their supervisors during training, the supervisors already attended a Six Sigma Champions training at the beginning of July. Here, they learnt more about the Six Sigma training approach, its implementation and how to best support their employees.

The Six Sigma approach deals with the use of statistical and analytic methods to sustainably improve the quality of processes and products. The aim is to keep and apply this approach on a long-term basis at PI, so that, e.g., projects can be processed more efficiently.

We wish you an exciting, informative training series and very the best of success with your projects!

Best regards
Florian Geistdörfer
Group Chief Operating Officer (COO) & Managing Director Switzerland

Written by Laura Früh on August 01, 2022