30 Years of PI Ceramic

PI Ceramic Celebrates 30th Anniversary and Officially Opens New Building

September 30, 2022
Dr. Patrick Pertsch, Markus Spanner, Head of the District Authority in Greiz, Martina Schweinsburg, and Rudolf Harsch, Managing Director Harsch Bau GmbH & Co. KG (from left)
© Sebastian Reuter, Jena

Due to its 30th company anniversary and the official opening of the new building, the PI Ceramic team invited guests to three grand celebrations from September 15 to 17, 2022

Thursday, September 15: Internal 30th Company Anniversary Celebration with PI Shareholders and PIC Retirees

The events started on Thursday with an internal 30th company anniversary celebration with the PI shareholders, PI retirees, long-time colleagues, and management team.

After a presentation on the further development of PIC in the past (COVID-19-) years by Dr. Patrick Pertsch and the farewell of the long-time employees Sigrid Jäger and Frank Möller into retirement, the new customer and visitor center was presented and the new company restaurant was inaugurated with a joint dinner.

Friday, September 16: Celebration with Approx. 120 Guests From Politics, Industry and Company Staff

Dr. Patrick Pertsch, Markus Spanner, Dr. Karl Spanner, Ralf Fischer, Rudolf Harsch, Ulrich Maiterth, Jost Friedrich Heidinger, Managing Director Heidinger GmbH & Co. KG, Jochen Kößler, Marcel Jäger (from left); all others are from Harsch Bau GmbH & Co. KG
© Sebastian Reuter, Jena

On Friday, the PIC team celebrated its 30th anniversary with approx. 120 guests from politics, industry, and company staff, and officially opened the 7,500 square meters of operational area in the new building.

Following a welcoming speech by the CEO of PI Ceramic, Dr. Patrick Pertsch, the company’s founder Dr. Karl Spanner guided the guests through the 30 years of company history. In doing so, he told some interesting stories, in particular from PIC's starting phase: "At the time I was convinced that piezoceramic is something essential, only nobody knew at the time."At the same time, he emphasized the meaning of PIC for the parent company PI: "PI Ceramic is an important basis, without which the parent company PI would not be what it is today."

This was confirmed by Markus Spanner, who subsequently gave a presentation on the PI Group. During this presentation, he demonstrated the future areas where PI is currently acting as an innovation driver, and the part PI Ceramic's expertise plays in this.

The head of the district authority in Greiz, Martina Schweinsburg, congratulated the management on their bravery with the words: "Here at PI Ceramic, it is possible to get the latest input for the future."

Further speeches were held by Prof. Alexander Michaelis, Head of the Fraunhofer Institute IKTS Dresden and Hermsdorf, the mayors of Lederhose and Münchenbernsdorf Andreas Weber and Andreas Stehfest, as well as the chairman of the Tridelta campus in Hermsdorf Daniel Störzner.

Following the official speeches, the guests were invited for lunch in the new company restaurant and took part in individual tours.

© Sebastian Reuter, Jena

Saturday, September 17: Open Day with 1,500 Visitors

The days of events were rounded off on Saturday with the open day. A record number of 1,500 visitors took the opportunity to gain interesting insights into the high-tech company PI Ceramic. Additionally, there was a wide variety of presentations on PIC's applications, as well as showroom tours, handicrafts for the children, and face painting.

The PI Group warmly congratulates Dr. Patrick Pertsch and the whole PI Ceramic team on these successful and excellent days of events!

Markus Spanner, Chief Executive Officer PI Group

Press (DE)

Written by Laura Früh on September 30, 2022