Ceramics 2023

PI Ceramic Takes Part in 98th DKG Annual Meeting

June 02, 2023
Dr. Daniel Jakobsen and Patrick Fischer (from left)

At the end of March 2023, "Ceramics 2023", the 98th Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft (DKG) (EN: German Ceramics Society) took place for the first time in Jena and Hermsdorf, Germany. The Ernst-Abbe University Jena (EAH Jena) and the Tridelta Campus in Hermsdorf, Germany, were the hosts. PI Ceramic participated in this event, which is so important for this region, in several ways.

As well as participating regularly with a keynote speech by Dr. Franz Schubert and Dr. Paula Huth, Central Development, we offered an industrial field trip to the participants. Beforehand, twenty-three people from various companies and numerous universities had registered for this. Dr. Franz Schubert, Central Development, and Alexander Conrad, Engineer Sales - PIC DACH, explained the manufacturing processes - from powder to the finished product. Afterwards, the participants could inform themselves about the various application areas for our products over a coffee and a snack in our showroom. The visitors were enthusiastic about our company's setup, and thanked us for the successful event. Two students who are about to graduate asked us spontaneously if they could hand in their job applications directly to us.

Furthermore, we were represented with a stand in the respective industrial exhibition in the town hall in Hermsdorf. Dr. Daniel Jakobsen, Engineer Technical Sales - PIC, and Patrick Fischer, DH-Student ET/AT, were in charge of the stand.

Dr.. Patrick Pertsch (links) bei der Podiumsdiksussion
© Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena University of Applied Sciences

Dr. Patrick Pertsch, CEO PIC, represented our company in the panel discussion on the subject of "The energy revolution in the ceramics industry", which was hosted by the MDR journalist Sina Reeder.

The event was extraordinarily successful for our company. We were able to attract attention repeatedly, expand our "ceramics network", and make many contacts to suppliers and partners, universities and institutes, as well as potential customers and future employees.

Contact person: Melina Ramakic, Marketing

Written by Laura Früh on June 02, 2023