VDI reports on PI

PI Company Portrait in the VDI News

September 23, 2022
Dr. Markus Czanta, VDI Senior Editor Martin Ciupek, Markus Spanner (from left)

Dear colleagues,

another milestone in our PR campaign was reached today: the VDI Nachrichten published a major corporate portrait of PI.

Dr. Markus Czanta and I position PI as a successful company and an interesting employer. The weekly newspaper of the VDI (Association of German Engineers) reaches an average of 365,000 readers and, with a circulation of around 125,000 copies, is one of the most important publications for this professional group.

You can read the complete interview here (DE):

22-09-23: VDI article (DE)

File Name: 22_09_23_vdi_article.pdf
File Size: 267.01 KB

22-09-23: VDI article (EN)

File Name: 22_09_23_vdi_article_en.pdf
File Size: 66.57 KB

Best regards
Markus Spanner 
Chief Executive Officer

Written by Laura Früh on September 23, 2022