Shareholders Meeting 2022

PI Shareholders Meet Up in Karlsruhe

July 27, 2022
Markus Spanner, Liselotte Lossau, Harald Lossau, Dr. Karl Spanner, Jonas Riedl, Marius Riedl, Erwin Riedl (from left)

Dear colleagues,

Yesterday, the shareholder families Lossau, Riedl and Spanner came together at our headquarters in Karlsruhe for the annual shareholders meeting.

Together with the Executive Board, we proudly presented them with the economic results and successes from the past year, and gave a preview of the developments still to come in 2022.

The shareholder families were extremely pleased with total performance at PI, and would like to thank all employees who contribute towards this with their commitment and dedication.

I am very pleased and proud to pass on these words of gratitude to you all.

Best regards
Markus Spanner and the PI Executive Board 

Written by Laura Früh on July 27, 2022