Exchange between PIC and PI DPG

PIC and PI DPG Agree on Closer Cooperation for Better Synergies

January 27, 2022
© MarCom

Dear Colleagues, 

Last week, the PI Ceramic (PIC)-Management Team welcomed Dr. Axel Widenhorn to their location in Lederhose, Thuringia.
As well as a tour of company premises, together with the PIC Management Team, both organizational structures were presented.


Although details of the markets and production processes are rather different, both organizations concluded that they can learn a lot from each other. As well as operative daily business, they have several topics in common, such as process automation, quality management or procurement processes.

That is why an agreement was made to actively intensify the exchange between PIC and PI DPG. The aim is to optimize structures, processes, and standards together, and to learn from each other, as both organizations share a massive growth potential.

There was also a discussion on the challenges faced by both organizations. Additionally, there was an update on the status of current software and digitalization projects such as Felios, CAQ, Elabo und Peakboard.

PIC and PI DPG will therefore soon start an automatization project with regular exchanges, e.g., in the form of workshops. Furthermore, a quarterly coordination meeting is planned for the Management Teams from both divisions.  

We have come to the conclusion that "together we are stronger!" On this day, all participants genuinely felt and appreciated this: A great basis for intensive cooperation as equals.

Best regards

Dr. Patrick Pertsch Dr. Axel Widenhorn
Managing Director PI Ceramic GmbH General Manager PI DPG / Managing Director PI miCos GmbH
Written by Laura Früh on January 27, 2022