PI Voices

Review of First Four Months by Thomas Schmidt, Head of Product Division Components

October 24, 2022
Peter Ditas, Henriette Heinz and Thomas Schmidt (from left)

On July 1, 2022, Thomas Schmidt started at PI Ceramic as Head of Product Division Components with Daniel Völkel

1. Markus, how did you experience your first four months at PI and what have been your most important insights so far?

I have got to know a team and a company where all of the colleagues really appreciate each other.

I have also been very impressed by all of the employees' commitment to quality and the high level of technical precision in manufacturing. The excellent level of employees' individual skills is reflected in the high level of customer satisfaction and is an important pillar of PI Ceramic's success.

2. What are your main areas of focus in the implementation?

One main area of focus is to increase transparency in the manufacturing processes with the aim of identifying where there is more room for improvement, recognizing capacity bottlenecks in advance, reducing additional burdens for employees, and continuing to increase the reliability of delivery to our customers.

3. What drives you as a person?

Continuing to shape the future of my own division and of the company as a whole just as successfully, and, building on what we have achieved, continuing to optimize the manufacturing processes.

The aim is to reach a high level of transparency, hence creating lean processes which are focused on value creation, and therefore get the whole team enthusiastic about changes, and make it the provider of ideas and motor for further development.

Written by Laura Früh on October 24, 2022