PI Rosenheim

Rosenheim Employees Move into New Workrooms

September 29, 2022

As part of our 'Maximum on-time delivery' initiative, we are also expanding our Rosenheim site. With the conversion, the office premises and the production area were expanded by almost 50 percent to 1,572 square meters.

The office space was modernized in line with the latest new work concepts. This results in significant improvements for the employees, for example in lighting or acoustics. In particular, the height-adjustable desks and newly furnished meeting cubes have met with a positive response.

Our Bavarian colleagues are moving into their new workrooms this week. The freed-up space is being taken over by Production and Logistics for capacity expansions, thus contributing to the 'Maximum on-time delivery' initiative. The next step will be to set up production lines and to implement the new logistics concept.

Contact person: Bernhard Geyer, Head of Value Stream – Electronic Devices

Written by Laura Früh on September 29, 2022