Corporate Strategy ‘PI DRIVE’

Series of PI DRIVE Director Workshops Kicks Off in Karlsruhe

July 25, 2022
Dr. Axel Widenhorn, Dr. Thomas Bocher, Dr. Christian Enkrich, Stefan Schreiber, Dominique Wiesner (from left)

Dear colleagues,

Last week we initiated the first in a series of Director workshops focusing on the viable implementation of our recently announced corporate strategy PI DRIVE.

A group of local Directors from all functions in Karlsruhe discussed the current state of the implementation and aligned on priorities going forward. The topics discussed ranged from actual strategic and operational issues to communication and management topics.

Dr. Christian Enkrich, Mathias Winter, Dr. Axel Widenhorn, Jim Berge, Dr. Thomas Bocher, Waldemar Ungefug (from left)

The group commented positively on the open and direct exchange and defined numerous quick wins and measures together. It was clear to see that days like this foster cross-functional alignment, collaboration and a common view on topics for management attention.

The second level management is vital in driving this transformation and we need a united, aligned and empowered Director level to succeed. Therefore, we will continue these kinds of workshops on a regular basis and will of course extend the participants to all Directors of the Group.

Feel free to approach the participants to learn more about the workshop and its content.

Thank you to all the participants for their time, openness and productive work.
Best regards
Florian Geistdörfer
Group Chief Operating Officer (COO) & Managing Director Switzerland

Written by Laura Früh on July 25, 2022