ERP+ Project Cockpit

Successful Start of ERP+ Project Cockpit

August 18, 2022

Dear colleagues,

We recently showed you with our corporate strategy PI DRIVE how we will get the racing car constructed during PI ENGAGE onto the road. The IT department’s ERP+ project with the name 'Cockpit' is the core of the racing car. Within the framework of this project, we will migrate our elderly Infor Version LN 10.5 to the current Infor CloudSuite.

The comparison to the cockpit as the central control unit of our PI racing car is no coincidence: In our ERP system, all of the PI data comes together globally. It serves as the basis for controlling PI successfully, and for the important divisions in the company to make the right decisions based on solid figures, data and facts.

Currently, specified 'Global Process Owners' are working on evaluating the processes in all of the important divisions of the PI Group, and adjusting these to meet industry standards as closely as possible. For the project, it is important that we take a close look at our processes in order to get an ERP up and running that provides sustainable, well thought-out added value. This process will be completed in September and the results will provide the basis for the specification and implementation of the ERP system during the first quarter of 2023.

I would like to say thank you to all of the employees who are contributing their process knowledge during the important start phase of the project, hence creating the basis for our new Cockpit with the advantage of transparency for the whole PI organization. In the future, we will make solid decisions based on transparent facts to improve putting our strength into action.

We will inform you on the status of the project via PICO. If you have any questions about the project, contact either the Cockpit project team or me. We look forward to an exciting process, constructive and important discussions, and the right decisions for a competitive Cockpit within our PI DRIVE strategy.

Best regards
Stefan Schreiber
Director Business Architecture - Global

Written by Laura Früh on August 18, 2022