Quantum Computing & Cryo Applications

Technology Center Piezo Drives & Systems Presents Technology Roadmap to Key US Customers

November 28, 2022
Mathias Winter and Tim IJsselstein at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL)

Currently, everybody is talking about quantum computing. What was considered basic research and science fiction just a few years ago is now on its way to being used commercially and industrially. How can PI support the rapid developments in the area of quantum computing and what do today's key players see as the future requirements of positioning solutions?

Representatives from Sales Americas and Global Research & Platforms pursued this question during a joint trip to the USA. The aim was to not only discuss projects that are currently running, but to also systematically contact research departments from the companies to find out the course necessary for future developments.

As well as the necessity for miniaturization, all of the talks confirmed a core requirement of the quantum computer sector: The solutions of the future must move as closely to the core of the computer as possible. That means that they must reliably function in the extreme environment of cryogenic temperatures of 4K (-269,15°C) without losing precision.

It is fascinating to be allowed to accompany such a young, dynamic branch of industry. In the process, the potential for us is incredible both in the actual application, and in the necessary production resources and tools, and incorporates the complete portfolio from the small piezo actuator to the 1.5 m gantry system.

Tim IJsselstein, Senior Engineer Technical Sales – Americas
Mathias Winter takes a close look at the application of the P-844K075 PI actuator

As well as industrial customers who are currently entering the commercialization phase with the first generation of quantum computers, a stop was made to the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL). There has been an intensive collaboration with the FNAL for many years that not only deals with scientific questions on the use of piezo actuators in low temperature applications, but, with the P-844K075 has also led to an extremely successful OEM product. From this product, which is used for 4K and below, in the mean-time more than 1000 are being used globally. It is the aim of both parties to continue the cooperative exchange of information and generate new knowledge about alternative piezo materials for use in cryogenic environments.

The discussions with the customers from the still new market of quantum computing have helped further define the requirements profile for the positioning solutions of the future. The newly acquired knowledge will enable the Global Research & Platforms division to align its research activities with the market.

Mathias Winter, Director Technology Center - Piezo Drives & Systems – Global

All of this was only possible as a team, together with the Field Sales colleagues on-site who managed to activate high-level decision makers for our strategic customers.

Contact persons: 

  • Tim IJsselstein, Senior Engineer Technical Sales – Americas
  • Mathias Winter, Director Technology Center - Piezo Drives & Systems – Global
Written by Laura Früh on November 28, 2022