PI Ceramic

"Thuringian World Market & Technology Leader"

July 04, 2023
Maiko Klosch, Sebastian Scheit, Daniel Völkel, Melina Ramakic and Dr. Patrick Pertsch (from left)

The State Development Corporation of Thuringia (LEG Thüringen) gave PI Ceramic the award of "Thuringian world market & technology leader".

© Sebastian Reuter, Jena

Based on defined criteria, the LEG identified 90 top Thuringian companies as "Hidden Champions - Thuringia's world market and technology leaders", who impress with their "innovative products and services, as well as world-leading technologies". PI Ceramic fulfills these criteria and hence belongs to the selected circle of Thuringian champions! PI Ceramic is therefore one of two companies in the Greiz district that were able to prove themselves against 65,000 companies from the whole of Thuringia.

At the beginning of May 2023, Sebastian Scheit and Maiko Klosch, the responsible project managers from LEG Thüringen, visited PI Ceramic in Lederhose and handed over the "Thuringian world market and technology leader" certificate from the Free State of Thuringia. Melina Ramakic, Daniel Völkel, and Dr. Patrick Pertsch used this occasion to give a presentation of the company's technologies, products, applications, and markets, as well as the company's equipment and plans to the LEG representatives. Previously, they had only known PI Ceramic from figures and facts. The two representatives were amazed and impressed, therefore emphasizing that the "Hidden Champion" award is justified.

LEG Thüringen

Since 1992, LEG Thüringen has been supporting the development of the free state to an attractive economic, investment, and technology location. As an 100 % subsidiary of the free state, the more than 250 employees are competent partners in all questions regarding business development and property management. The LEG will present the world market leaders to a wide audience in the context of a campaign via its new website, as well as through social media activities.

At the beginning of March 2023, the "Thüringian ChampionsMEET“ kickoff event took place in the Thuringian state capital Erfurt, organized by LEG Thüringen. As well as Economics Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee and LEG Managing Director Andreas Krey, the event featured Prof. Hermann Simon, a world-renowned management thinker and expert on corporate strategy and marketing. In this context, Dr. Arnulf Wulff, authorized officer and departmental head at LEG Thüringen, presented the campaign's goals.

We are incredibly pleased about this honor! Thank you very much to all PI Ceramic colleagues for their personal contribution!

Contact person: Dr. Patrick Pertsch, CEO PI Ceramic

Written by Laura Früh on July 04, 2023