360° Process of Product Development

360° is a Mindset not a Process

November 10, 2022

The first phases of the new 360° Process of Product Development (PPD) dealing with concept development, have been approved by the Executive Staff of PI DPG, and were presented to employees in a basic training at the end of July.

The first projects, for example, modularization of the linear axes L-509 / L-511 from the Value Stream Motorized Positioners, have started successfully in accordance with the new 360° PPD. With the help of the 360° approach, teams can include different perspectives in concept and product development. The main focus of the new PPD is, on the one hand, on promoting the 360° culture and, on the other, on the ability to configure via modularization with the help of variant management, as well as on a targeted frontload.

Definition of the other phases (prototype, pre-series and series) is currently being finalized, and will then be reviewed, before it is finally presented to the PI DPG employees, and offered as a training. Training is planned for December 2022.

The first modularization projects have already started and show some very promising results. Employees understand the 360° mindset, and because of the added value shown, the responses of the team members are positive . Now, the PPD expert team has the task of showing the project teams the methods, templates, and training documents, and incorporating their feedback in order to improve the process.

What is the 360° process of product development?

The PPD is managed in accordance with the 360° approach, which means that all of the roles or divisions involved in the project are included early on. The PPD is less of a new process but more of a new way of thinking, with a new team definition, and a new quality standard throughout all project phases. In the 360° team, all members are involved in the perspectives of the others and are equal.

What added value does the 360° process of product development give to the organization?

By involving everybody in product development early on, all aspects regarding the product requirements are already taken into consideration during concept development (frontload). This avoids the risk of rectification and additional loops later on in the project process, as well as a negative impact on the budget and timetable. In the end, we will gain more customer confidence and increase our on-time delivery.

360° PPD brochure (DE)

File Name: 360deg_produktentstehungsprozess_broschure.pdf
File Size: 463.38 KB

Contact person: Jürgen Küpfer, Manager Product Development Motorized Positioners – DPG

Written by Laura Früh on November 10, 2022