C-Level Digital Townhall Meeting

C-Level Announces ENGAGE Closing and Introduces PI DRIVE

June 30, 2022
© PI

Dear Colleagues,

Six months after our last Digital Townhall Meeting in December 2021, we would like to give you an Executive Management update about PI`s current developments.

In today`s published video message, we have the following status updates for you:

  1. We officially close the transformation program ENGAGE and show you the achieved goals
  2. We introduce the new Executive Management structure: Reverting back from the Extended Board to the C-Level structure
  3. We inform you about the alignment of the internal job titles as of July 1, 2022
  4. After closing ENGAGE, we are driving the implementation: We present you our new corporate strategy PI DRIVE 

Enjoy watching our Digital Townhall Meeting! 

Digital Townhall Meeting June 2022: ENGAGE-Closing & Introducing PI DRIVE

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Corporate Strategy PI DRIVE: Presentation

File Name: 2022_06_corporate_strategy_pi_drive_en.pdf
File Size: 2.94 MB

Please let my C-Level colleagues or myself know if you have any questions.

Best regards
Your C-Level

Markus Spanner Stephane Bussa Dr. Markus Czanta Florian Geistdörfer
Chief Executive Officer Chief Sales Officer Chief Technology Officer Chief Operating Officer/
Managing Director PI Switzerland AG
Written by Laura Früh on June 30, 2022