ERP+ Project Cockpit

Cockpit Project Team is Formed

September 21, 2022

In our Cockpit newsletter find out more about the first ERP+ project results from the newly formed Cockpit project team

1. Inception Workshops Well Under Way

The inception workshops (‘inception’ stands for the initial phase of the project) executed by the Global Process Owners (GPOs) in collaboration with the Infor consultants are currently in the peak phase. The purpose of the workshop regarding the ERP processes is to analyze a delta comparison of the industry best practices with the current PI standards. These results will be processed and detailed further in the following ‘elaboration’ project phase starting at the beginning of November.

Furthermore, coordination of the project was modified to meet PI's requirements: for example, the project team recognized that PI Ceramic's participation in the project needs to be increased considerably in order to get an overview of all PI processes globally. The corresponding measures such as including Daniel Voelkel, Director Operations – PIC, into the project team and establishing a seat in the steering committee were initiated.

The workshops conducted so far have been successful.

2. Configure Price Quote (CPQ) Task Force Founded

In addition to the Cockpit project, a 'CPQ task force' was founded (CPQ is the abbreviation of 'Configure Price Quote') which will work closely together with the Cockpit project team.

Using the product configurator, our products are configured modularly and correctly in a technical sense and mapped in the system so that we can deliver these to the customer seamlessly and individually. In the project, it became apparent that the current product configurator requires more space to create high added value for the business.

As the topic requires a great deal of energy, we will set this up as a separate task force.

3. ERP Software Applications Separated

We have successfully started to separate and professionalize the respective software applications around ERP. For example, in the future, we will partially map individual processes that currently run via JIRA in the Infor CloudSuite.

The added value from separating these is to, in the future, provide users with increasingly intuitive, transparent and consistent support with their work.

I can positively say that I am very happy that the Infor team took us by the hand and, step-by-step, we figured out all the important process elements at a high level. In the end, the Infor team documented the results. This will provide an important basis for our further project work.

Waldemar Ungefug, Director Finance - Global & Project Cockpit member

Contact person: Stefan Schreiber, Director Business Architecture – Global

Written by Laura Früh on September 21, 2022