PI Voices

First Half Year Review with Dr. Markus Blust, Head of Value Stream Industrial & Engineered Systems - DPG

August 1, 2022
Dr. Markus Blust

On February 1, 2022, Dr. Markus Blust started as Head of Value Stream Industrial & Engineered Systems - DPG at PI DPG with Dr. Axel Widenhorn

Markus, how did you experience your first six months at PI?

For me, the first six months at PI have been very interesting, intensive and exciting. The PI Group is very solid, and the potential of PI and the skills of their employees are tremendous. I am very pleased to be working in such a motivated team, and to help design and manufacture high-tech products for sustainable business sectors.

Here, I find the process of transformation remarkably forward-looking. In my previous positions, I already helped to shape several transformation processes.

However, I have never experienced it with the consistency and with the resources made available, as at PI. My employees are very motivated in taking on the changes.

What important realizations have you had so far?

When I first started as Head of Value Stream Industrial & Engineered Systems, in an interfacing function, it was important to me to completely integrate the Value Stream Industrial & Engineered Systems into the communication structures of PI DPG. The Value Stream Industrial & Engineered Systems is on the cusp of beginning industrialization, as well as of the increase in efficiency in the products and processes as a consequence.

The strategic 'Shopfloor Management' tool was already successfully established in the Industrial & Engineered Systems division, which will help to considerably increase efficiency in the processes.

In this context, it is particularly positive that we could finalize the roadmap for the Value Stream Industrial & Engineered Systems. This defines the strategic elements and measures necessary to continue to professionalize the structures and processes. The final touches to the roadmap will be completed in plenty of time. Currently, we are working under high pressure to implement the strategic elements defined in the roadmap.

At the moment, the focus is on topics such as optimizing resource planning and the related implementation of the FELIOS software, further professionalization of the processes within the framework of product creation, and filling job vacancies. In this context, we were very pleased to fill the vacancy as 'Head of Production in the Value Stream Industrial & Engineered Systems' from July 1, 2022 with Daniel Hoffmann, and this development will increase our impact considerably.

What are your main areas of focus in the implementation?

The aim is to continue to expand the Value Stream Industrial & Engineered Systems to become a competency center for system solutions. In this context, a product portfolio that addresses all three business modes equally is particularly important. The first steps towards establishing a strategic product portfolio are to continue to drive forward and expand standardized and versatile products to also enable complex customized individual solutions.

Furthermore, we need to continue to optimize the product development process . I look forward to our future with PI.

What drives you as a person?

I am enthusiastic about designing products and processes as a team, and continuing to develop these even further. Here, I happily endorse Frank Kafka 'Paths are created by walking them.' My private passion for long distance running gives me the necessary stamina for these sometimes much longer paths.

Written by Laura Früh on August 1, 2022