Tech Day

GRP Hosts Third Tech Day

July 05, 2023

On June 19, 2023, the third edition of the Global Research & Platforms (GRP) Tech Days took place.

As explained in the PICO News from April 3, 2023, on these Tech Days, GRP presents new technological developments, demonstrators, and functional samples to the marketing and sales departments for joint discussion. The aim is to establish a regular exchange of information between GRP, Marketing, and Sales about existing and potential technology developments.

The format of the Tech Days is being continuously improved. For this particular Tech Day, the circle of participating company divisions has been extended beyond Segment and Product Marketing to Sales (Technical Sales Engineers). This allowed exciting and fruitful discussions on the following technology developments for which each of the named individuals is responsible:

  • Lever hexapods: Technology Development Parallel Kinematics, Dr. Tillmann Volz
  • Node-RED: Global Platform Development Software, Dr. Markus Frietsch
  • Lead-free ultrasonic motors: Piezo Drives & Systems Technology, Dr. Bülent Delibas
  • High-precision pose estimation for parallel mechanisms using fiducial tags: Global Innovation & Scouting, Dr. Stefan Schulz

As with the previous Tech Days, this event was held on the company premises, covering just a few topics. Hence, it was possible for participants to get a close look at the demonstrators and functional samples brought along and to discuss these in a relaxed environment.

The Tech Days take place on a quarterly basis and are organized by Dr. Stefan Schulz. It is possible to submit suggestions for topics for the next appointment on September 11, 2023, as well as for the following Tech Days at any time.

Contact persons:

  • Dr. Stefan Schulz, Engineer Development Engineering
  • Dr. Steffen Schreiber, Director Advance Development - Global
Written by Laura Früh on July 05, 2023