PI Rosenheim

Official Opening of Modernized Office Premises

January 31, 2023
Dr. Axel Widenhorn addresses PI employees at the site in Rosenheim

In December 2022, together with Dr. Axel Widenhorn, Director Operations – DPG, Bernhard Geyer, Head of Value Stream – Electronic Devices, and Christophe Igloi, Head of Supply Chain Management – DPG, PI Rosenheim celebrated the opening of its modernized office facilities.

By modernizing the offices, space that was previously unused could be used, making it possible for employees with workstations in different areas of the building to move. Some important advantages are the necessary extension of the production and logistic areas, as well as an improvement in working conditions in the offices.

In his speech to the employees, Dr. Axel Widenhorn emphasized the importance of the site in Rosenheim to PI DPG, as well as to the whole PI Group. Additionally, he explained that despite increasing automation, highly qualified and motivated employees are still essential.

Dr. Axel Widenhorn and Nils Blank (from left)

Dr. Axel Widenhorn thanked all of the employees in Rosenheim for their extraordinary commitment in 2022 who, despite enormous pressure and during ongoing operation, have continuously worked on measures to improve ‘Maximum On-Time Delivery’ and increase product quality.

Bernhard Geyer

Subsequently, Bernhard Geyer thanked the employees for their dedication and emphasized how pleased he is about the modernized office premises and the associated creation of additional jobs in Rosenheim. He thanked Dr. Axel Widenhorn for his faith in the DPG site in Rosenheim and its expansion.

Afterwards, celebrations continued with a cozy get-together and some hearty food from a Bavarian buffet.

For more information about the renovations and expansion in Rosenheim, please read the PICO news from September 29, 2022.

Contact persons:

  • Dr. Axel Widenhorn, Director Operations – DPG & Managing Director PI miCos GmbH
  • Bernhard Geyer, Head of Value Stream – Electronic Devices
Written by Laura Früh on January 31, 2023