PI Voices

Sebastian Herzog Gives Insights about the Shopfloor Management

October 13, 2021
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Dear Colleagues,

Markus [Weinbrecht] and I, with our teams, have both started the SFM workshops and are in constant exchange about it. When problems or controversial topics arise in Production during the meetings, Markus reports these to the Production Management meetings. Thanks to the daily meetings, the employees are more strongly involved and motivated. We notice much more quickly if something is working well or not, and we react accordingly!

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The (time-consuming) manual maintenance of the SFM boards is currently being questioned and criticized. However, I believe that we have taken the first step towards an exactly planned and economically viable production and this leads to a profound understanding of the processes and backgrounds. To start digitally from the beginning, however, would take the opportunity away from us to get to know and design the processes in this way.

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Before, our production planning was insufficient. Due to our rapid growth and the increased complexity of the products required by our customers, we in Production Management now, however, have to adapt to increased demands, for example, for a maximum adherence to supply deadlines and more strict quality requirements. Before, we mainly supplied universities as customers; today, we satisfy just in time the needs of high-profile global high-tech customers, and we cannot tell them that their delivery cannot be made today. Thanks to the changes to the process, we recognize early on if something is not working according to plan. In our day-to-day work, we notice many positive changes, such as better coordination, shorter channels, and faster implementations. With Julia [Malcev] as our manager, we are in good hands; she encourages and challenges us and keeps her promises - the team has noticed this and we, the Heads, have noticed it, and this is quite impressive.

We are happy to answer any questions.

Best regards

Sebastian Herzog

Head of Direct Drives Production

Written by Laura Früh on October 13, 2021