Something New is Arising. New Building in Eschbach is Taking Shape

November 09, 2023
Construction in Eschbach

Where just a few weeks ago a construction pit could still be seen, there are now huge chunks of concrete rising into the air. Our extension at the PI DPG site in Eschbach, Germany, is clearly taking shape. Since the building permit was issued and the structural work began in May 2023, construction has been progressing according to plan.

What is currently being built right next to the existing PI building in Eschbach is impressive: An extension with a total investment of sixteen million euros, which will provide around 6,000 square meters of additional production, laboratory, and office space.

Our colleagues in Eschbach are seeing the construction progress with their own eyes every day and are looking forward to the additional space once construction is completed at the end of July 2024.

We are literally bursting at the seams here. We are ready with our removal boxes and can hardly wait to move into the new building!

Sascha Wenzlaw, Team Leader Logistics Eschbach

We are reaching the limits of our existing premises in all areas. Even in development, we notice this as we no longer know where to put our equipment. Every day, my colleagues and I can see how the new building is progressing and what is emerging here - and we are delighted!

Dr. Raphael Grifone, Manager System Application

The current schedule seems feasible to us: We will complete the structural work in the fourth quarter of 2023. We are planning the interior work and the installation of the room and building technology from the first quarter of 2024. We consider the planned completion of the construction work by the end of July 2024 to be realistic.

Extension in Eschbach as Part of “Maximum On-Time Delivery” Initiative

The construction project is part of our “Maximum On-Time Delivery” initiative and sets the course for the future of PI in a decisive way. We are creating space for further employee growth, as well as additional space for the development and production of new products - this is of fundamental importance to further improve our competitiveness and delivery capability.

Despite all the current challenges in the construction industry, such as material and staff shortages, as well as significant price increases, our construction progress is on schedule. In addition to the excellent work of our contractor, Harsch, this is only possible thanks to the commitment and dedication of the divisions involved. Special thanks go especially to Brian Zimmermann, Hartmut Kramp, and Hans Müller, responsible for Infrastructure & Security, for their support on-site in Eschbach.

For more information on the extension in Eschbach, see our PICO News from December 2022.

Contact person: Dr. Axel Widenhorn, Director Operations - DPG, Managing Director PI miCos GmbH & Managing Director IBS Ingenieurbüro GmbH

Through the “Driving Execution” initiative, we keep our employees informed about developments in PI's delivery situation

Written by Laura Früh on November 09, 2023