ERP+ Project Cockpit

COO Message Regarding ERP+ Project Launch

August 19, 2022
Florian Geistdörfer, Stefan Schreiber, Joachim Bock (from left)

Dear colleagues,

As reported in yesterday`s PICO news, after months of analysis and project planning, our ERP+ project Cockpit is picking up speed (ERP+ for its impact on the adjacent software infrastructure such as CRM, PLM/PDM, FELIOS, JIRA etc.).

Over the next couple of months we will design a new, cloud-based system from scratch to institutionalize our new process model in this core backbone application.

Many things will change and while the project management team will update you regularly on the project milestones and achievements via PICO, I wanted to share some core design principles with you.

This is also about expectation management on our part and I ask for your understanding and support.

1. If in doubt: standard over customization

Our key objective is to implement a system infrastructure that mirrors our business reality; and at the same time maximizes user satisfaction (efficiency, effectiveness, ease of use, speed). The most effective way to get there, is to stay within the industry benchmark standards Infor provides as much as possible. The project is designed to allow for critical challenge and customization by our experts to ensure “PI business reality” in all processes; However will carefully balance this with process stability and scalability of the system. So if in doubt: standardization first.

2. End-to-end, without detours

The design of the system will be an end-to-end process, integrating our system landscape and re-defining many of our current workarounds and manual processes. An automated CRM link, a new PLM / PDM, or a new product configurator are only some examples that will greatly improve our user satisfaction. However, this will also mean, that in the future all our activities will run through and be governed by this system infrastructure. Workarounds or parallel processes / systems will greatly damage our data integrity and overall workflows. The success will therefore depend on: no more detours.

3. Uncompromising waste management

Due to the lack of a holistic and functioning infrastructure, we have (for good reason) established a lot of local software solutions; excel / access and Jira workarounds; and manual processes. Please be aware that we will critically evaluate our entire software portfolio as part of the project and terminate all processes / solutions that can be handled equally well by the core applications. The resolution of these local systems (waste management) will reduce complexity, ensure data integrity and streamline our processes.

4. Forget about the past, embrace the future

Having the best industry standardized benchmark processes for PI is our main goal. Please open your mind, get rid of old habits and encourage your colleagues to do so as well.

From what I have seen so far, I am convinced that the new system will greatly enhance your daily work experience, However for that we need your support in letting go of some established working practices and approach proposed changes with an open mind.

Be critical but remain convincible. Be vocal but listen.

I look forward to seeing this project come to life and count on all of you for your support.

Best regards
Florian Geistdörfer
Group Chief Operating Officer (COO) & Managing Director Switzerland

Written by Laura Früh on August 19, 2022