PI Ceramic

Hidden Champion Feature in East Thuringian Newspaper

August 21, 2023
Maiko Klosch, Sebastian Scheit, Daniel Völkel, Melina Ramakic and Dr. Patrick Pertsch (from left)

In PICO, we already reported on our award as Thuringian Hidden Champion, as well as the market launch of our Langevin transducer. On these occasions, we already welcomed Fanny Zölsmann, editor at the Ostthüringer Zeitung (OTZ) (EN: “East Thuringian Newspaper”), to PI Ceramic.

In the interview with the OTZ editor, Dr. Patrick Pertsch, CEO PI Ceramic, shared new information about the company, our product portfolio, and the versatile applications of our products.

Here, you can read the complete feature (in German) that appeared in the local editions of the newspaper for Gera, Greiz, and Schmölln:

We are incredibly pleased with this extremely positive portrayal of us in the local press, with an exceptionally good level of coverage and response in the region!

Contact person: Melina Ramakic, Marketing Project Manager Piezo Technology

Written by Laura Früh on August 21, 2023